Tuesday 29 July 2014

Home Decorating Tips/Suggestions To Try

interior design
Decorating your own home is possibly the most exciting part of having one. It may in some way reflect the owner's attitude and personality and how you view life. Like the chosen color, the shade, what's hangin' in the walls, furniture and all. But depending on your own preference and style, some general rules apply. Here are some.

White Is Awesome. You'll never get tired of a white living room. Aside from the fact that white makes a clean and homey atmosphere, you easily match furniture and decors on a white background.

Make Use of the Indoor Plants. Potted plants cheer up a lonely corner as it helps lighten the atmosphere, literally.

Layer Your Lighting. Four lamps are better than two. You need ambient light for mood just as you need direct light for reading.

Kick Your Traditional Coffee Table to the Curb. The most versatile coffee table you'll ever own is an ottoman topped with a tray.

Dress Up Your Furniture. A skirted furniture looks even better than seeing all those furniture legs. A skirted piece or two will make it feel "grounded."

Switch Up Your Seating. Mix up the seating at your dining table. You wouldn't have eight identical chairs in your living area.

Refinish Vintage Furniture. Try painting a vintage piece. Every piece of furniture can't be brown.

Add Some Leather. Leather lasts. That’s a fact. The most indestructible fabric that would probably last a lifetime. It would definitely make a whole lot difference specially if you want more warmth and comfort in your home. Here are some amazing leather you can choose from.

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